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Razee Marikar's Home Page

Hi everyone. I am Razee Marikar. This is my website. The contents in this site is about me, my family, photos, articles I have written, link to my blog, etcetera.

Personal information, information about my family, my achievements, etc are put up in the Personal section. You will also find many photos of my family and friends here. In the creative section, you will find articles I’ve written, some generic photos I've taken (which you are free to use for your non-commercial use, provided you give due credit). In the technical section, you will find several technical articles and tutorials that I've made. Enjoy your visit to this site, and thank you for visiting.


This section contains some info about me and my family, and a link to my family tree.
Things I have written
Technical stuff. Tutorials and technical articles.
My photo gallery
My Blog. I don't blog much, but I do write something once in a while.
Photos, photo gallery.