Working of Ajax
This is a simple set of examples showing how Ajax can be used to change the contents of a page. First, I start with a description of how a normal web request works, and how an Ajax link works, explaining the difference between the two. Then there is a couple of simple sample codes that show how Ajax calls work and how to write Ajax functions with JavaScript. I also explain the difference between making a synchronous request using JavaScript and an asynchronous request. This is a quick tutorial to Ajax. This is meant for people who have a JavaScript background. This is like a cookbook for Ajax.
This tutorial is meant for people who know about JavaScript and how to write JavaScripts and the basic working of HTTP.
- A normal web request
- Request made by a script (AJAX Requests)
- Internet Explorer and Mozilla
- Ajax Requests explained
- Example
- POST in Ajax
- What next?
You can download a zipped version of this tutorial here.